Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dry Mount Press

Hey there, ARTsisters!
I'm looking for a dry mount press and thought I'd check with y'all.
Does anyone possibly know anyone who might have one they'd want to sell?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

this is all new to me. hope this is the way to do it and i am communicating with the artsisters.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Welcome to ARTsisters Chalk Board

Hey there, fellow ARTsisters!

When I read Maria's reminder about Tyme gallery, with the suggestion to work out the timing of the reception "amongst yourselves" I thought, "How in the heck can we work it out if we don't see each other that much? Then I thought, how about a web site that could act as a sign-up sheet, a chalk board, where each of us, when we know your schedules, can go and write down when we'll be there. Then after a few folks sign on, we can all go to the site and see if there's enough coverage for all times.

One can simply click on "post a comment" then type in their name and when they'll be there. If might be a better way rather than each of us sending "replies to All" and all of us ending up with a million emails! Let's give it a try, shall we?

I'll start.

July 11th reception is from 5 to 9.

Jeanne will commit to being there from 7 till 9, will come earlier too, if I can.