Hey there, fellow ARTsisters!
When I read Maria's reminder about Tyme gallery, with the suggestion to work out the timing of the reception "amongst yourselves" I thought, "How in the heck can we work it out if we don't see each other that much? Then I thought, how about a web site that could act as a sign-up sheet, a chalk board, where each of us, when we know your schedules, can go and write down when we'll be there. Then after a few folks sign on, we can all go to the site and see if there's enough coverage for all times.
One can simply click on "post a comment" then type in their name and when they'll be there. If might be a better way rather than each of us sending "replies to All" and all of us ending up with a million emails! Let's give it a try, shall we?
I'll start.
July 11th reception is from 5 to 9.
Jeanne will commit to being there from 7 till 9, will come earlier too, if I can.