Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Welcome to ARTsisters Chalk Board

Hey there, fellow ARTsisters!

When I read Maria's reminder about Tyme gallery, with the suggestion to work out the timing of the reception "amongst yourselves" I thought, "How in the heck can we work it out if we don't see each other that much? Then I thought, how about a web site that could act as a sign-up sheet, a chalk board, where each of us, when we know your schedules, can go and write down when we'll be there. Then after a few folks sign on, we can all go to the site and see if there's enough coverage for all times.

One can simply click on "post a comment" then type in their name and when they'll be there. If might be a better way rather than each of us sending "replies to All" and all of us ending up with a million emails! Let's give it a try, shall we?

I'll start.

July 11th reception is from 5 to 9.

Jeanne will commit to being there from 7 till 9, will come earlier too, if I can.


Unknown said...

Sandra will commit to being at the opening 7 to 9pm.

artymarge said...

Hi -
I will be there 7-9 and am writing so on my postcards.

artymarge said...

This idea is BRILLIANT!!

sandi lovitz said...

sandi..........definitely 7-9....will try to be there at 6

Jeannepaints said...

Hey Marge
Thanks for the compliment on the brilliance of my idea! I don't know. To me, it didn't seem brilliant, just common-sensical...(Hey Linda, is that a word?!)
So far it seems that 7 to 9 is the popular vote! No early birds yet?

* * *
Hey, y'know, this chalk board could also be a place for folks to post comments on how the show went,...after the reception. We could also invite guests who came to see our art to comment!

I will try to get the time to set it up where all of you can be "posters" instead of just "commenters" (I will have to consult with my brother who has experience in these matters.He has done this before!)

Anonymous said...

I will be there 5 to 6:30

Anonymous said...

i will be there 5 to 6:30 pm.

Anonymous said...

why is my comment after the initial comment and not on top like others?

Jeannepaints said...

I don't know what you mean. On my screen, when I click the comments link, I see all the comments listed in the order that they were posted, earliest at the top. (Under the comment, I see the time of posting.)

Also, Perky says she'll do 5 to 7.

By the Way, my brother told me how to add you all to the blog as being allowed to post your own message, but it requires that I add all of the email addresses into the settings. That will take some time, so that task will have to wait a bit as I have much to do today in the way of urgent household matters.