Sunday, February 27, 2011

Da Vinci Art Alliance

Image: "Hypnotic"  (C) the artist: ARTsister Deb K Simon 30x40 Oil on Canvas

Fellow ARTsisters:
I was about to leave this computer chair for awhile, for some other activities which are both more fun and necessary; first I did a quick-check on the Artsisters chalkboard. I realized that I haven't updated the links on the sidebar to include some of our newer members. So sorry, an oversight on my part.
I will try to fix that as soon as I can! (Right now, I must do something else.)

Edna, I wasn't able to make it to the art reception at da vinci Art Alliance on Friday. [frown] I hope it went well. Did anyone else go? Tell us about it here! (You can use the "comments" option below)

For more info about the image "Hypnotic" visit Deb's website.

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